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Alt 26.10.2008, 16:21   #16
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Clueless befindet sich auf einem aufstrebenden Ast
AW: The English Thread

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no, its a great city.

read some travelguides about zurich, I would say, you will understand
Ok, I'll check into it
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Alt 26.10.2008, 16:54   #17
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AW: The English Thread

tell us when you come to Europe and we`ll organize a big supra meet.
Bin beim Bund, bitte net wundern wenn lange keine Antwort kommt...
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Alt 26.10.2008, 17:14   #18
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AW: The English Thread

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tell us when you come to Europe and we`ll organize a big supra meet.
interesting...I do have the first week of july off of work since July 4th is an American national holiday. I'd need to check what the dates are, but that would be cool to spend more time in switzerland then the currently planned june meet.
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Alt 27.10.2008, 02:42   #19
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AW: The English Thread

Hey Clueless, a big welcome from me too ! it's kinda rare that we see US folks on this board...funny that you actually found it AND kept reading it

As pointed out already, this is actually a german board, and i'd say roughly 75% of the users are from Germany, 15% from Switzerland, and the rest from somewhere else, we like to call it the german side of Bodensee, actually german territory but because it's so close to switzerland the inhabitant would rather count to Switzerland ok i just made that up but it sure looks that way when i am in the area hehe.
Oh and about the swiss-german/ german issue; basically swiss-german is merely a spoken language, we write and read in german, TV is german...ultimately leading to the language being somewhat a mysterious crypted tongue that the germans don't understand....but we understand them Doesn't it sound fabulous ? it is....

I'm from Zürich myself, and i can of course only agree with it being a great city. But then again, if you want to visit Switzerland, there is much more to see, i mean cities are nice to visit, but visiting the countryside and some Castles from the middle-age gives you a way better impression on the country/culture/heritage ! And there's some amazing scenic routes to discover with a Supra.

I've actually lived in Pontiac/Detroit/MA for 3 years as a kid, so actually kinda close to Indiana. So if you still wanna see Switzerland next summer, i'm sure i can help you out on a lot of things
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Alt 27.10.2008, 04:29   #20
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AW: The English Thread

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Hey Clueless, a big welcome from me too ! it's kinda rare that we see US folks on this board...funny that you actually found it AND kept reading it

As pointed out already, this is actually a german board, and i'd say roughly 75% of the users are from Germany, 15% from Switzerland, and the rest from somewhere else, we like to call it the german side of Bodensee, actually german territory but because it's so close to switzerland the inhabitant would rather count to Switzerland ok i just made that up but it sure looks that way when i am in the area hehe.
Oh and about the swiss-german/ german issue; basically swiss-german is merely a spoken language, we write and read in german, TV is german...ultimately leading to the language being somewhat a mysterious crypted tongue that the germans don't understand....but we understand them Doesn't it sound fabulous ? it is....

I'm from Zürich myself, and i can of course only agree with it being a great city. But then again, if you want to visit Switzerland, there is much more to see, i mean cities are nice to visit, but visiting the countryside and some Castles from the middle-age gives you a way better impression on the country/culture/heritage ! And there's some amazing scenic routes to discover with a Supra.

I've actually lived in Pontiac/Detroit/MA for 3 years as a kid, so actually kinda close to Indiana. So if you still wanna see Switzerland next summer, i'm sure i can help you out on a lot of things
Ahh, glad that I'm special! I'm interested in visiting sometime when I can figure out how much money to save and all, but I doubt I'll have enough money to ship my supra over there.

Also, I just visited Detroit yesterday....
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Alt 05.11.2008, 06:32   #21
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AW: The English Thread

Ladies and gentlemen...if it's not already obvious, barrack obama is our new president.
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Alt 05.11.2008, 07:02   #22
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AW: The English Thread

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Alt 05.11.2008, 08:01   #23
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lukas85 befindet sich auf einem aufstrebenden Ast
AW: The English Thread

Yeah I heard it on BBC at 6 o'clock in the morning (local time ) when he had his speech. I'm really happy about this result. What is your opinion about this election @clueless?

- Schadstoffstark und leistungsarm
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Alt 05.11.2008, 11:29   #24
Captain Slow
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suprafan wird schon bald berühmt werden
AW: The English Thread

Yup, Obama is very popular here in Europe. That's probably also partly due to the media attention over here and partly to a general antipathy towards the Republican party (which IMHO has suffered a lot under GWB in the public opinion).
I personally think that McCain isn't as bad as some people over here think he is - at least he probably still would've been much more competent than Dubya. But Palin as a vice president is an absolute no-go.
Let's hope that Obama does a good job... and that he doesn't fall prey to some racist psycho (or to a CIA conspiracy ).
Best of luck to you guys
Wer nichts weiß, muss alles glauben.
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Alt 05.11.2008, 11:48   #25
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lukas85 befindet sich auf einem aufstrebenden Ast
AW: The English Thread

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(or to a CIA conspiracy )
You made my Day

Anyway - I don't think that Obama is more at risk than any other President of the United States, there is always one who wants to shoot them. Wikipedia has the details.
And considering that Obama was elected also by many white People, im pretty sure that "change" already begun, at least in terms of racism, which is in my opinion one of the most important changes.

BTW this english thread is cool, finally a reason to practice my english.

- Schadstoffstark und leistungsarm
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Alt 06.11.2008, 05:20   #26
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AW: The English Thread

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Yeah I heard it on BBC at 6 o'clock in the morning (local time ) when he had his speech. I'm really happy about this result. What is your opinion about this election @clueless?
Trust me, you don't want my opinion
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Alt 06.11.2008, 05:26   #27
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Clueless befindet sich auf einem aufstrebenden Ast
AW: The English Thread

In other news, I got fired from work today so switzerland will have to wait another time.
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Alt 06.11.2008, 06:11   #28
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AW: The English Thread

Come to swiss and find a new job!
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Alt 06.11.2008, 08:33   #29
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lukas85 befindet sich auf einem aufstrebenden Ast
AW: The English Thread

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Trust me, you don't want my opinion
Why not, I'm always curious about other peoples opinions, also if it's the complete opposite of mine.

Now about your job, thats bad news. What kind of job was it?

Zitat von Supraxe
Come to swiss and find a new job!

- Schadstoffstark und leistungsarm
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Alt 06.11.2008, 12:36   #30
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AW: The English Thread

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Why not, I'm always curious about other peoples opinions, also if it's the complete opposite of mine.
The guy has domestic terrorists connections, supported by acorn(fraudulently voting for dead people), His economic plan will bankrupt this country, He wants to change our constitution and take away our rights and liberties, and he lies through his teeth. Not to mentioned that he want cut military down by 25%, which I think is a bad idea considering that everybody hates us. There's be 5 or 6 attempts on his life and he isn't president yet...

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Now about your job, thats bad news. What kind of job was it?
I was a welder making Toyota Forklifts

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Come to swiss and find a new job!
...and they would hire an American?
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