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Alt 20.04.2010, 00:17   #1
Registrierter Benutzer
Registriert seit: Apr 2010
Ort: Hamburg
Beiträge: 47
iTrader-Bewertung: (0)
tpl befindet sich auf einem aufstrebenden Ast
Mk IV verursacht Krebs

bin grade dabei mir wieder eine Supra zu kaufen....
beim durchsuchen der einschlägigen Börsen gab es echt
günstige Angebote...

z.B. ein 97 er MK IV mit 83000km für 8700 € in Würzburg natürlich
Linkslenker... also kurze mail geschickt und auch schnell eine
Antwort bekommen

"The car it still for sale , and it in excellent condition as you can see in the pictures and , no accidents, no scratches, no dents, no need for any additional repairs.
The car was my fiancee who lived in Germany .
It is registered in Germany and it has German plates numbers.
I didn't used it here because it's quite hard to drive a European car with the steering wheel on the left side, and this is also one reason that i want to sell it.
Buy car for my fiancee, who was in Germany, planning to establish us there, but it died because he suffered from a serious form of leukemia and can not keep something that reminds me of a loss so important to me ..

Also i don `t want to get rich on the death of my fiancee so that` s why I have put a low price.
I just want to sell it to a serious buyer who will take care of the car just like my wife had, which was a nonsmoker and so it nonsmoker car, also once a month she took the car to a specialized service for the Techincal révisé .
The shipping costs and the insurance taxes of the package will be down to me using Lufthansa Air Cargo, and they will delivery the car at your address within 5 working days."

.....und dann noch eine in Hamburg für 10200€.... auch kurze Mail
geschickt und schnell eine Antwort erhalten:

"The car it still for sale , and it in excellent condition as you can see in the pictures and , no accidents, no scratches, no dents, no need for any additional repairs.
The car was my fiancee who lived in UK .It is registered in UK and it has UK plates numbers.I didn't used it here because it's quite hard to drive a UK car with the steering wheel on the right side, and this is also one reason that i want to sell it.

Buy car for my fiancee, who was in UK, planning to establish us there, but it died because he suffered from a serious form of leukemia and can not keep something that reminds me of a loss so important to me ..
Also i don `t want to get rich on the death of my fiancee so that` s why I have put a low price.
I just want to sell it to a serious buyer who will take care of the car just like my wife had, which was a nonsmoker and so it nonsmoker car, also once a month she took the car to a specialized service for the Techincal révisé .
The shipping costs and the insurance taxes of the package will be down to me using Lufthansa Air Cargo, and they will delivery the car at your address within 5 working days.

hmmm...nun fürchte ich wenn ich mir ne MK IV kaufe kill ich damit meine Freundin... was ich zur Zeit eigentlich noch nicht geplant habe
Lustig auch das die einglischsprachigen MK IV Verkäufer alle gute Beziehungen zu Lufthansa haben

Naja, was soll´s wirds halt wieder ne MK III....

Grüße Thomas
tpl ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 20.04.2010, 08:43   #2
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Benutzerbild von Benjaminvegeta
Registriert seit: Apr 2007
Ort: Straubing
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iTrader-Bewertung: (36)
Benjaminvegeta befindet sich auf einem aufstrebenden Ast
AW: Mk IV verursacht Krebs

Auch lustig, dass der Verlobte mehrmals in dem Text das Geschlecht wechselt und am Ende ja doch schon die Ehefrau war und nicht mehr bloss verlobt
Benjaminvegeta ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 20.04.2010, 09:33   #3
Benutzerbild von supraxe
Registriert seit: Jan 2004
Ort: Ganderkesee
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iTrader-Bewertung: (38)
supraxe befindet sich auf einem aufstrebenden Ast
AW: Mk IV verursacht Krebs

MKIII besser ist das!
supraxe ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten

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