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Suchen: Beiträge von: SavageDK
Forum: Supra allgemein > Treffen (Orga) 22.06.2006, 14:26
Antworten: 42
Hits: 19.680
Erstellt von SavageDK
Yes :) ich freu mich schon ;) Michael

Yes :) ich freu mich schon ;)

Forum: Supra allgemein > Treffen (Orga) 24.04.2006, 12:13
Antworten: 42
Hits: 19.680
Erstellt von SavageDK
Ahh, I didnt know that, thanks for the...

Ahh, I didnt know that, thanks for the information. Hopefully we can avoid the trafic :p

See you in Austria!

Forum: Supra allgemein > Treffen (Orga) 20.04.2006, 09:04
Antworten: 42
Hits: 19.680
Erstellt von SavageDK
We got new information, check out...

We got new information, check out the front page will now contain the main info about the meet!

I will continue to update the page untill the meet. Do you have any...
Forum: Supra allgemein > Treffen (Orga) 25.03.2006, 04:16
Antworten: 42
Hits: 19.680
Erstellt von SavageDK
Hey man, I didnt know you were a pilot! You are a...

Hey man, I didnt know you were a pilot! You are a very lucky man! You fly on the ground in your Supra and in a Tornado is it? That has to be one of the most exciting jobs ever! I envy you! Please...
Forum: Supra allgemein > Treffen (Orga) 23.03.2006, 18:52
Antworten: 42
Hits: 19.680
Erstellt von SavageDK
Euro Supra Meet 2006

Euro Supra meet 2006 in Austria



Ich werde versuchen so gut Deutsch zu schreiben wie ich nur kann. Bin aber...
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