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Suchen: Beiträge von: rdizz
Forum: Supra allgemein > BuildUp-Bereich 18.06.2012, 22:30
Antworten: 17
Hits: 76.601
Erstellt von rdizz
AW: My MA70 490ps 7MGTE (english)

haha thanks I understand :). I can understand very basic deutsch.
Forum: Supra allgemein > BuildUp-Bereich 18.06.2012, 22:27
Antworten: 17
Hits: 76.601
Erstellt von rdizz
AW: My MA70 490ps 7MGTE (english)

From what I was told from the importer is the original Turbo-A was involved in a crash in japan with this motor (and the R154 osgiken straight cut gearbox including os giken ts2cd twin plate clutch,...
Forum: Supra allgemein > BuildUp-Bereich 18.06.2012, 15:42
Antworten: 17
Hits: 76.601
Erstellt von rdizz
AW: My MA70 490ps 7MGTE (english)

Sweet thanks for all the info guys, I have sent an email to them with details about my car asking them what they think. I will keep people posted in here about what happens with it. I would love to...
Forum: Supra allgemein > BuildUp-Bereich 18.06.2012, 15:20
Antworten: 17
Hits: 76.601
Erstellt von rdizz
AW: My MA70 490ps 7MGTE (english)

really?? like what? alot of things are illegal in australia too.. they have very strict rules on mods, i have a glovebox full of paperwork for the car just so i could drive it around there. :(
Forum: Supra allgemein > BuildUp-Bereich 18.06.2012, 15:02
Antworten: 17
Hits: 76.601
Erstellt von rdizz
AW: My MA70 490ps 7MGTE (english)

haha thanks Tyandriel, yeah that would be sweet il try and get down there.

Yeah BOV's are illegal in Australia unless they are plumbed back into the intake. Stupid law I know but not only that,...
Forum: Supra allgemein > BuildUp-Bereich 18.06.2012, 14:18
Antworten: 17
Hits: 76.601
Erstellt von rdizz
My MA70 490ps 7MGTE (english)

Hi I just moved to nürnberg from Australia and im interested in bringing my car over. What is the procedure for getting an imported car on the road here? what kind of road worthy rules are...
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