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Suchen: Beiträge von: Batmax
Forum: Biete > MKIV 06.08.2012, 14:15
Antworten: 0
Hits: 817
Erstellt von Batmax
For Sale various sizes of spacers,pedals momo, handrake,wheels+tires, other stuff

I have for sale wheels Blitz Blitz Technospeed Z2 18 + Tires CHEAP!!! Buyed from MVP

1500€ with Tires !!!

For sale wheels Blitz Blitz Technospeed Z2
18x9 +41 offset & 18x10 +45 offset
Forum: Handel > Biete 26.07.2011, 09:50
Antworten: 0
Hits: 2.694
Erstellt von Batmax
[VENDS] (Mkiv) garage clearout from Portugal


New parts take off of my Supra, if you need info about me Dusty of MVP and Joe of PHR know me very well, most of my parts was brought from them, thanks:

Wheels Blitz Z2 1750€ with Tires
Forum: Supra allgemein > BuildUp-Bereich 15.03.2009, 03:30
Antworten: 10
Hits: 35.437
Erstellt von Batmax
AW: Batmax Presentation

What wheels are that, nice Supra ;)
Forum: Supra allgemein > BuildUp-Bereich 14.03.2009, 20:36
Antworten: 10
Hits: 35.437
Erstellt von Batmax
AW: Batmax Presentation

Sorry for the delay but I am not notify, this is an custom widebody kit made in Portugal using front and rear bumper of do-luck but changed too, yes I have K-Sport and they are good, my car was an...
Forum: Handel > Biete 14.03.2009, 20:26
Antworten: 2
Hits: 1.535
Erstellt von Batmax
AW: Gearbox V160 Mint great condition,6speed Ecu


I don't know why but I can't do the register they say the mail I am using is in use, can you get me one contact of an administrador please, thanks ?
Forum: Supra allgemein > BuildUp-Bereich 12.03.2009, 13:19
Antworten: 10
Hits: 35.437
Erstellt von Batmax
Batmax Presentation


After two years in return of this project finally this almost soon the photos speak for itself wait that they like...
Forum: Handel > Biete 12.03.2009, 13:13
Antworten: 2
Hits: 1.535
Erstellt von Batmax
Gearbox V160 Mint great condition,6speed Ecu


I have buy one V161 and now have my Gearbox V160,6speed Ecu Mint great condition for Sale I am asking 2500€ .
Sorry speak in english but my my deutch is poor.
Forum: Handel > Biete 26.06.2007, 17:52
Antworten: 2
Hits: 1.163
Erstellt von Batmax
AW: AT-Getriebe


Do you have pics ?
Forum: Handel > Suche 03.12.2005, 13:43
Antworten: 2
Hits: 992
Erstellt von Batmax
Lokking for a wrecked MKIVTurbo in Europe.


Lokking for a wrecked MKIVTurbo in Europe if know one please let me know tanks.

Best Regards,

Nuno Morais
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